‘Great operation to lower indoor temperature’

Hyundai Motor Company has released a campaign film depicting its journey to improve the lives of Pakistani drivers using the world's first 'nano cooling film' developed.

The nano cooling film is made of cutting-edge materials that create a radiative cooling effect, so it not only reflects solar heat like existing tinting films, but also has the function of emitting infrared rays inside the vehicle to the outside. While boasting high transmittance, it is characterized by being able to lower the indoor temperature by more than 10 degrees during hot summer days.

Pakistan legally prohibits attaching tinting film to cars for security reasons, and Hyundai Motors decided that this was the optimal market to test the nano cooling film, which is transparent and lowers indoor temperature, and decided to carry out this campaign.

Hyundai Motor Company expects that this campaign will draw global attention to the climate crisis faced by local communities and contribute to forming a consensus on the corporate responsibility to contribute to social development by utilizing cutting-edge technology.

Abnormal climate phenomenonAdvanced material filmAutomotive preparedness measuresCar interior temperatureHappy motorsHappymotersHappymotorsHyundaiHyundai mobisHyundai motorsHyundaimotorNanocooling filmNanotechnologyPakistan

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