🚗electric SUV🚗

It is known that the one-sided LX3, the successor to the Palisade, will be released in 2025.

The Palisade is a model with high consumer interest, ranking first in domestic sales among Hyundai Motor’s SUV lineup.

The third-generation platform, which Hyundai Motor Company is focusing on, is applied. If this is used, it is expected that the length and wheelbase of the vehicle itself will be increased, increasing the interior space.

It is known that Hyundai Motor will apply the latest software-driven vehicle (SDV) technology to the Palisade full-change model. Wireless update technology is applied to parts related to driving and safety, such as suspension, brakes, and airbags.

In addition, with the introduction of autonomous driving level 3, limited autonomous driving is expected to be implemented on highways and automobile-only roads.

It challenges the global large electric SUV market.

AutonomousdrivingtechnologyCarCarsoftwareDesignHappymotersHappymotorsHigh-end brandHigh-performanceHighperformancecarHybridsuvHyundaiLargeelectricsuvLx3New carNew itemsNewcarNew_carPalisadeSuv

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